for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Animal Rights

To be frank, I really don’t care much for any of the articles that we read. I like animals, but I also happen to love meat. I know that animals have certain human characteristics about them, but that does not make them human. There are certain animal right that I respect though, for example, I don’t believe that poor gorilla should have to be tested on to make sure a certain lipstick is safe. I find it quite disheartening when humans test animals for selfish reasons. If animals were only tested for serious things such as medications, then I understand, but makeup? Come on now! I agree with Bob Stevens when he responds to Rifkin’s article. He mentioned that animals naturally hunt and kill each other. With that said, why should humans be restricted in the hunting of animals for food? I believe that certain animal rights activists have taken things too far. So we should spend money making sure that animals have food and toys and in some cases, clothes, while there are little children who don’t have food to eat or clothes to wear or toys to play with? That doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense to me.

 Also take Braithwaite’s proposition for example. She believes that we should take precautionary approach to fish and their feeling. She herself pointed out that it is not proven that fish affected by pain. They might feel it, but that does not mean they react to the pain. In that case, why should I think twice before going fishing? Fish are one of the most vulnerable animals in the world. They have been hunted since the beginning of time by both humans and other animals. I don’t think I should now start worrying about their feeling.  Does it really matter if fish feel pain? No matter what happens, people around the world will still eat fish, I included.


  1. I agree with you on some parts Grace but there are some where I do not. I totally agree with about only testing on animals for things that are serious and not pointless. Yes I understand that animals kill and hunt each other but that is not based on sheer instinct but is rather passed on from their parent's. I think that animals should be provided with toys because they already have it rough as it is being locked up knowing that at any moment they are our next meal. In studies done on fish it was surprisingly found that they indeed did react to the pain by beating their gills faster, by rubbing the affected areas, and by losing their taste in food

  2. To be honest with you grace this blogging is a little challenge . I question myself when I'm writing because its hard to bring up this topic, and write and write about it without rambling over and over about the same thing. But it allows us to go more in depth with the articles . I agree with you we shouldn't be using animals for selfish reasons. Like lipstick. Really animals shouldn't be put to test human products its not like they'll be the ones using it. Secondly i believe animals should be given toys. Why should we not allow them to have the simplest joy from a toy. We already hurt them. Isn't that unfair.

  3. I agree with part of the blog like for example testing animals for make up is wrong and should only be using the animals for something serious that can change and improve medical treatments, and I also agree that yea we do use some animals for food, but I think we can't just give certain animals rights and not others. I'm not saying they are humans but they do feel and not just because they are differant doesn't mean we should treat them bad and do what we please because they have feeling and they should be able to have toys. If you care about the animal and want the best it isn't just feeding them its also making them feel happy and it doesn't take much.

  4. I agree with your blog completely Grace. Yes fish are animals, and yes they do indeed feel pain while being hunted. That does not mean that us, as humans, are wrong for eating what we are wired to eat. Meat, vegetables, and other food groups all fall in line with the circle of life, and that includes fish. Whether they are killed by being hooked, or killed by giving them sleeping chemicals, they are still going to be used for food. It has been this way for centuries, so why is it becoming such a big democracy now?


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