for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How our educational system is broken and a solution

In the video that we most recently saw that was based on the educational system within the United States we learned many things that we ourselves could not believe were going on in our educational system despite of it being a main focus in our country. All this time I thought that no public school was different based on teachings but as I continued to watch the video I noticed and it was even said so in the video that schools in areas that are full of poverty tend to be pretty bad. The reason I say bad is because the students that attend those schools do not necessarily score good on tests but the people to blame for that is indeed the teachers because of their surroundings and pay could possibly be an issue. In the wealthier and middle class areas we were able to see that school is better and that the teachers that teach there are better than in impoverished areas. But combining those two together they make our educational system look bad as a whole and that is why they say that it is broken because of the fact that it is quite unfair. People are taught differently depending on their surroundings. In general though we are not that advanced and doing good as we should in our educational system because we are ranked pretty low in numerous categories and many developing countries are on top of us which is not where we should be since we are a leading nation. If you look at the fact that it isn't training people to be intelligent and skilled who can do more than just follow orders that happens outside of the public school system by and large. If you look at the problems with school violence, low academic standards, lack of response to demands of the local public, etc. then the American public school system is very broken. There can be solutions to all of these things and one that I think that should really be taken into consideration is paying teachers more because if they are paid more than they could possibly teach better since they know they are being rewarded for it.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Not changing the way i think YO

 The movie "Food Inc." attempts to make us understand where the food we purchase at the grocery store really comes from. In no way or form am i saying that the way they treat animals in this movie is acceptable but To be honest i can give a crap where my food comes from as long as its safe to eat. Yes, i understand these animals are being mistreated and what not but it is food we are talking about. We need to eat and receive our proteins to live a healthy fulfilling life. After my sister watched this movie she stopped eating beef. At first i thought she wouldn't hang but she dealt with it for almost 2 years. Now besides the fact that she is a huge drama queen she sincerely felt touched by the way the animals were being treated. And that's where i come in and we are completely different. Just because YOU stopped eating meat doesn't mean the food industry will stop so why exactly are you holding yourself back form eating something you like but don't like where its coming from? It must be be a personal thing because if you're trying to improve the way these huge companies run then i wish you nothing but luck. Change in the food industries do need to be done but i don't think it will happen anytime soon. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

AF: On NPR today>>the rise of fake meat

Everybody recognizes that our meat consumption is just not sustainable.  So is fake meat the answer?  Will the food scientists come to the rescue?  If we can make meat in the lab, then gee, that frees up lots of land water, feed, and cleans up the environmental problems inherent in feed lot life.

Corn is our biggest enemy

We all know that as of now we are injecting our food to make it grow faster. Has anyone ever asked themselves why we inject our food supply and use all these toxins on our crops. Well the answer to why we Genetically Modified Organisms in our food is to be able to keep up with the demand of the consumer which is us. Genetically modified organisms is something we consume in almost everything that we eat and if anyone has ever done research on genetically modified organisms would know that they are not necessarily healthy towards our health. We, along with many other nations have turned into over producers of corn which is grown vastly all over the united states. When we watched food inc. we were able to see for ourselves that we do indeed overproduce corn and we have so many leftover that we need to find a use for it so we turn it into high fructose corn syrup and if not we feed it to our beef cattle. Corn is not a good thing to feed to the cattle because it just increases the growth of e. coli and they cant even digest it properly like us. High fructose corn syrup is not healthy for us either. High fructose corn syrup has been linked to the growing rate of obesity that ever since has been doubling for adults and worst of all has been tripling for children which in turn have increase the rate of diseases such as diabetes type 2. Just as it has increased the rate of diabetes it has been proven that our bodies don’t really know how to break down the high fructose corn syrup so that just turns into fat and is a great factor to the major health issues that have and are evolving. there is no such thing as industrial farming anymore because all of our food is no longer grown naturally without chemicals, toxins or pesticide. Processed foods have taken over the foods that we used to once consume.

Sprang breakk

Tomorrow at 12:16 pm, I will be care free and virtually stress free. Although most people feel as if this is the most laxed year of our entire education, I have to say that this is one of the, if not the most, strenuous year for me. I have had to deal with the struggle and stress of applying to colleges and waiting for their responses, I have two ap classes, so there is the challenge of upcoming exams as well. I have taken on more responsibilities as well such as having to care for my sister a majority of the time I am at home. Another significant strenuous detail of my senior year are the expenses of he school activities and what not. I, as well as a majority of the senior class have to pay for grad nite, prom, homecoming, formal, sports activities and banquets, and all of these finances can hinder ones ability to think free and clear about the future. I hope as the rest of the semester continues, I can worry less about what is behind me and look forward to what is to come.

Keeping the place clean.

When it comes to food, keeping food places clean is REALLY important. When it comes to the factories to the kitchen of a restaurant or fast food place the place should be clean and spotless. Always make sure you check what letter they are which should always be an A. No one wants to eat somewhere were its lower than an A because that just shows that the employees don't take care of the place and don't clean up after themselves, just imagine how they care of the food they just served you? The workers should be making sure the food isn't expired, putting it where it belongs also if it wasn't left out all night long. From experience I found mold in my egg sandwich when I went out to eat, which is so disgusting. This just shows that no one took or will take care of other foods. My point is that I really think the kitchens and foods should be taken care of SERIOUSLY. Cleaning pans, cutting boards, knifes etc, after every use. Kitchens should be cleaned and sanitized every single day, food poisoning occurs every single day due to the quality of the food and also not having the place clean. Bacteria adds up over time and can get people really ill which affects about 3 million people each year.