for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Fish Have Feelings Too?

Why do humans assume that fish are incapable of feelings and emotions because they do not look like them or communicate the way that they do? This question is approached by Victoria Braithewaite in "Hooked On A Myth". Braithewaite feels as though fish being able to actually "feel" pain determines whether or not they have the the capacity to feel emotion and suffering. This would make it much easier on activists who are fighting for fish rights. Because Braithewaite is a biologist, she was able to conduct a few experiments to test out her hypothesis of fish being able to feel. During the first experiment, Braithewaite and her colleague took vinegar and a little bit of bee venom and put it under the skin of a trout. Soon after, the trout began to act differently by beating their gills faster and rubbing the affected area on the walls of the tank. This little bit of information proved that fishes are indeed affected by pain. Now all Braithewaite had to do was show that they are emotionally affected by it as well. Honestly, I do not really agree with this article because I feel as though it does not make any sense, and it is almost a contradictory situation. Braithewaite believes that fishing by using hooks is a cruel and unusual punishment because it may hurt the fish, yet she is willing to conduct experiments that causes pain to other fish for her own benefits? Doesn't this sound a little bit hypocritical? At least the reason that fish are hurt because of humans is for food. She chose to cause pain to fish in order to prove a point. My point for stating this is to say that we all have our reasons of causing pain to fish, and the majority of the time it's only to survive. No I don't believe in hurting animals just because, but sometimes you have no choice, and Braithewaite has no right to judge fishermen for their doings because even she was willing to cause pain to fish for her benefit.

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