for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Keeping the place clean.

When it comes to food, keeping food places clean is REALLY important. When it comes to the factories to the kitchen of a restaurant or fast food place the place should be clean and spotless. Always make sure you check what letter they are which should always be an A. No one wants to eat somewhere were its lower than an A because that just shows that the employees don't take care of the place and don't clean up after themselves, just imagine how they care of the food they just served you? The workers should be making sure the food isn't expired, putting it where it belongs also if it wasn't left out all night long. From experience I found mold in my egg sandwich when I went out to eat, which is so disgusting. This just shows that no one took or will take care of other foods. My point is that I really think the kitchens and foods should be taken care of SERIOUSLY. Cleaning pans, cutting boards, knifes etc, after every use. Kitchens should be cleaned and sanitized every single day, food poisoning occurs every single day due to the quality of the food and also not having the place clean. Bacteria adds up over time and can get people really ill which affects about 3 million people each year.

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