for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, October 31, 2014

College Bound

What exactly are we hoping to see in college? For me, I truly believe that college is a chance to start over. It is a time for you to look back at all of your past mistakes and then try not to relive them. You are introduced to a whole new group of friends and to a whole new world of culture. We can shy away or be adventurous and experience things that we have never experienced before. It is a time to rediscover ourselves. One common mistake that most college students make is that they use their "independence" to get themselves into trouble. I am not saying that all college students are like this, but that there are a small percentage of us college-bound kids who are not used to such independence and can end up mishandling it. Here are just a few tips for us college-bounders:

  • Make friends that will help you progress and not digress
  • Meet people from different backgrounds
  • Expand your horizons
  • Get to know your professors
  • be money wise

                   - You are going to be bombarded by credit card companies next year. credit cards are fun to have until you start having bad credit, then it becomes an unwanted load. if you are going to get a credit card, make sure to pay it off every month. your life literally depends on good credit

  • Don't be afraid to try different things
  • Join clubs that interest you
  • Keep building a positive representation of yourself.
  • Make sure to check with your parents regularly, they really do miss their little child

  • Most of all, don’t quit when the going gets tough.

College is a lot harder than High school. We don’t have teachers or parents reminding us to do or work. It is a time to really define independence. You will be forced to make decisions that will ultimately affect your future. Those decisions can either make you or break you. Remember that there is no “grace period” in college. If you don’t do your work, you will not pass the class. There are also no tardy sweeps or Saturday school. If you miss class, you stand in risk of being dropped.

Lastly, you should have fun. Always make time to take a break from you work. You mind and soul need a break from time to time, so treat them occasionally.



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