for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reality of Senior Year.

How crazy is it, we are finally seniors! The moment we have all been waiting for. The excitement for senior seminar and all of the fun senior activities like grad night. We have all been waiting for this moment to “rule” the school, to just be free and not care, and most of all enjoy our last year of High School. But wait, none of this fun stuff is actually occurring. Going into senior year we all set high expectations for our last year to be fun and easy but, it’s not. We hear past experiences from past seniors and they all make it seem like it’s worth wild. But they never really do tell us the reality of senior year. I was never once told that applying for college would be so stressful, having to find schools that allow me to take courses as an undergrad for my major is pretty complicated. I wasn't told about the amount of work I would be receiving my senior year or the lack of sleep I’d be getting each night. I don’t know about you but this year has been the busiest year ever! Teachers assign work like crazy! I have been getting homework every day and more projects than, I've ever had in the past, and it all piles up. I can’t even, take a break on the weekends because I’m doing more homework. Homework on the weekends is the worst. If only there were more hours in the day to be able to cram everything and get it all done. Maybe for once I won’t be going to bed around 1 am, or maybe for once I will be fully awake during school, and most of all, not having to stress.  But then again stress will never go away. We've all learned how to cope with stress throughout the years. We've faced many challenges and accomplished many things under stress. Maybe stress is actually a good thing; it actually helps me get things done.  Although, starting the year has been stressful it has taught me many things and made me realized that we are all going to be independent in a few months. We won’t have that guidance anymore, the guidance that was built and set for us since day one, will be gone. We will all branch off and take our own path and create our own guidance. We won’t be able to relay on others but rather on ourselves. The friendships we have built throughout the years won’t be there when we start our new chapter in life. We are all going to experience change, good change and even bad change. We will make many mistakes throughout our transition to our adulthood years, but, we will learn from them. When ending our senior year it will allow us to grow as individuals.


  1. I agree that senior year is very stressful due to the amount of homework assignments that we get assigned, plus projects, and college applications to top it all off. But senior year does prepare us for the amount of stress that we will be dealing with in the near future, and I also agree that most seniors said that senior year was the easiest thing they've ever done. It's not too difficult, but it's also not the easiest thing.

  2. I like the last sentence, "ending our senior year will allow us to grow as individuals." It's true, I think we'll learn a lot from this year, and will have a lot to take with us. And also the comment above sums up the year nicely. It's nothing we can't handle, and prepare us for the next step.

  3. This is very true. Senior year really is easy its just the fact that teachers decide to cram so much homework and projects all in very few weeks. Maybe the seniors meant it was the funnest year due to all the activities we are able to do. Otherwise the work itself isn't so complicated, its getting them done. Maybe next semester will be a bit less stressful. Also, as what jon said, its to prepare us in the near future. College will only get more stressful with less sleep as well. All of our hard work will eventually pay off and become very rewarding to us (:


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