for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, October 26, 2014

This Is Really It . . .

On Friday night after the game, which happened to be senior night, I found myself crying because of my realization that this is really it. We're actually seniors, we're actually graduating the last of our six years here at Mayfair is coming to an end. Before Friday night it hadn't exactly hit me that after this some of us will be scattered across the country, some of us will still be here in our hometown, and some of us off to join the service but now I am aware and to be honest I'm a bit scared.

I mean after June 18 we're being thrown to the real world and we have to become fully responsible adults. We think personal statements, making blog posts, or applying to colleges are the most stressful things right now but after graduation no one’s going to coddle us when we're out of money, or struggling to find jobs or gas money to get where we need to go. We're the adults we've always longed to be, we have the freedom, the responsibility, and the struggles that come with it.

Now that it’s almost over we will miss the random conversations with the kid you barely knew last year in English, or the girl who always smiles at you walking to 3rd, or the sophomore girl who always tells you she loves you and most of all the people you spent 4 years on a team with because you know after this you may not see them again. And it’s tough knowing this is your last conversation with them or your last friendly smile or last shared performance with the people you've grown to love.

I know many of you have come to these understand these things as I did, but I thought that I’d just share them aloud. However, with those realizations I've also come to understand that even though it’s going to be tough, we won’t all be together anymore, and we aren't going to depend on our parents as much anymore .. It will be okay, and everything coming our way is to benefit all of us in the long run. This is really it you guys, Time to do big things.


  1. I know exactly what you are talking about. I don't want Variety Show to come too quickly for Mariners because at the end of the show, we take our final bow as a Mariner or Showtime member and from then on, high school is pretty much all over besides the end of the year activities for seniors and then like you said, we get thrown into the real world.

  2. Here we are all on the same bus. Stressed out about the upcoming year. Scared, actually. By next year we will all be in a different scene and that's crazy and amazing all at the same time. It's our chance to chase our dreams. Our chance to make something of oursleves. Our chance to put the best of our abilities to work. Like you said, it's time to do big things. And I agree with you completely.

  3. I don’t feel like it has hit many of us yet that we are seniors, or maybe it’s just me. I just have been thinking about ending the year well and hoping for the best. It’s crazy to think that it is all coming to an end for us. We will no longer be having the safe comfort of knowing many people at school. But, rather just knowing a few in colleges. Friendships in college will take longer to build because it’s uncertain in our first year in college; many people drop out of the class or maybe don’t come back in general. But people will come and go. We will all be lost,We will all be the new kid in school, literally. We have to stop focusing on how many people we know and start focusing on our future and career. I agree with you the problems we have right now aren't “real” problems. The problems that will come to us in the future will be much worse. We just simply have to grow up, mature, and learn to deal with any situation by ourselves. We need to become independent and not have to rely on others to guide us.


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