for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, October 31, 2014

Senior Year.

Its senior year and all I hear is people talking about universities their going to or applying to, makes me feel like an outcast. I'm going to a local city college right after high school. Now I'm not saying community college is a bad place to go to after high school but I wanted to go to a UC after graduating. All of my cousins attended really great schools ad I wanted to do the same. My parents expect the same thing from me, every time my parents ask me what I'm going to do right after high school, and it gets me very nervous. It always gets me thinking on what I'm going to do with my life. Hearing people talk about going to a UC reminds me of why I didn't do good through our high school. Why didn't I care about my grades the way I do now. I didn't care about doing my homework or anything now it's different, but it's to late to go back. Lately I've been really nervous just thinking about how we are all going to start a new chapter in our lives once we start college. Once I starting thinking about it, I see myself not being able to succeed at anything I want to do with my life. I always feel like I'm going to be that one person who fails at anything they want to accomplish. Seeing my friends living a happy life, then I'll just be there failing and I don't know why my mind is set to that. Senior year is suppose to be easy and fun, people in the past said it was. Honestly they got the fun part right but I personally don't think senior year is easy, all this homework teachers assign is crazy and I don't see how it's easy. Hopefully I pass all my classes,graduate and most importantly being able to succeed once I start college. With all that being said its now senior year and I'm going to tell myself that it's going to be a great year and that everything is going to be ok after high school.


  1. Don't feel bad about not knowing what you want to do, I had everything planned but since I too failed a couple classes and I didn't think of my future like I do now. I am also going to a community college and agree that we do have a lot of school work.

  2. I feel you Stephanie I wanted to also go to a UC but my GPA isn't high enough. My parents think it's easy to get scholarships and to get admitted to a UC but it's not I messed up in tenth grade which lowered my GPA I regret it but I can't do nothing about it now. I know that you're a really smart girl and will succeed and have a good career so don't stress about going to a UC start off at a community college and then you can transfer to any school either way you'll do fine. Just have fun this year because it's our last year of school but still don't get distracted and focus on your grades. I know that you'll succeed in anything you put your mind to just remain positive and whatever happens happens. some things are meant to be and some are not. You're a very smart nice girl and all of us have made mistakes but life goes on and you have to stay content and just worry about your career and family.

  3. We all have our ups and and downs with the things we regret. However, we cant let that keep us from moving foward and working with the problems we are given and making it threw the day. Community College is not a bad way to go at all and I surely know you are aware of that already. I too failed a course and did really bad in another. I'll most likely end up going to a community college as well even though i can take the CSU route but I too cant stop the feeling of being somewhat of an outcast. My closest friends are AP high honor students and its really a downer talking to them about the colleges I hope to get accepted to. However, just because I screwed up and not a top student doesn't mean i wont have a successful life. There are many smart students who go the Community route and end up very successful so don't stress to much about it : ) just remember that just because you didn't go to Uni right away doesn't mean your any less smarter then those who do go right away.


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