for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Do We Really Care If We're Being Watched ?

This past week we reviewed many articles dealing with surveillance but when we happened to be going over the article "That's No Phone, That's a Tracker," Ms. Fletcher posed the question whether we actually care if our data and information is given away for the use of the government or police agencies for whatever unknown reason. Well to be honest I don't care if we're being because its still going to happen whether we know about it or not. Also I mean its probably only to protect our country from things that everyone would panic about if it were leaked to the public. The information given out about us or what we think is being watched probably isn't getting as much attention as people make it seem because there are far too many people in our country for the government to pay extremely close attention to what EVERY single person is doing. More than anything they are checking for unusual activity, if you're just being a normal civilian, then I don't see any reason to care or get all crazy about who, what, or why the government is watching us.


  1. I agree bryana. Surveillance has increased dramatically because they want to be aware of unusual activity. I don't see why they would feel the need to spy on us just because unless they were looking for something very serious as illegal or criminals. Also as in what you said, it would be sort of impossible to spy on each individual person because there are too many of us in the US. So i don't believe we have anything to really worry about.

  2. I honestly couldn't care less if one day the government decided to monitor my daily life in the case of an emergency. Only those who have a guilty conscience are really tise who disapprove of such methods, those who know for a fact that what they are doing in private is considered illegal or scandalous.


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