for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015


    Personally, I enjoy talking about what life would be like in Lakewood/Bellflower if we were under surveillance.  Not that we aren't already a safe neighborhood, but we would definitely be more cautious as to what we are doing in public.  Same as to the text messages that we send or the people we associate ourselves with.  I have nothing to hide, so nothing would change drastically about my life if we were to be put under surveillance, but I know a lot of people that would tremble in fear because of being under surveillance.

    If it's a serious problem and for the safety of our citizens, then I'm all for it.  The government would definitely not waste money and time on doing something that won't benefit our safety and our living conditions.  If it's happening, it's for a greater purpose.  No one is going to single you out, unless you're doing something wrong.  I think that might be the main reason why I don't really care about it.  I'm rarely on social network or the computer, and even when I am, I don't do anything wrong, let alone have time to do anything wrong.

    I have heard that some parts of Long Beach are already under surveillance, but a lot of people agree that that part of Long Beach deserves to be under surveillance due to all of the crimes that happen there.  You don't hear a lot about people who live in Long Beach complaining about how they're under surveillance or anything like that.  It's a very positive thing and it will definitely fade away overtime, meaning they won't forever be under surveillance.  It's most likely only temporary.

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