for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Who's watching ?

     In the society that we live in now it seems that people are a lot more open about their personal life due to all the new technology advances and social media encouraging you to show people personal information. In 1984 the government had taken over, but in our country the government isn't the only person who can get into your personal information and monitor your movements. It may not seem like a big deal but it can become something big that can get out of hand when you least expect it. You never know who is looking at everything you do, not just the government but with new technology comes new crimes. Stolen identities, and hackers are a big deal. Even displaying your birth date, personal preferences and the city that you live in people will use this information and create someone new or ruin someone's life.
     Hackers don't need much to find out everything about you. All these apps that have been created can help the hackers by posting things you enjoy doing and some of your favorite things makes it a bit easier for someone to hack into your accounts and snoop around in your private life. I try and only use my phone when I absolutely need it and still write down important information and numbers I may need because anything can happen to it, for example break, get stolen or maybe get internally damaged and everything you had was lost. That's why important information should always be kept in a safe place where it is easy to access it. I am personally guilty of using social media but now I am more aware of what I should and shouldn't post, now I think twice about what I will post.

1 comment:

  1. It is very interesting how much person information people leak out on their social media sites. Hackers can easily find you and destroy your life if they simply have your address. We should all be aware of the information we are letting loose on the internet. i always say that the information i would not give a random stranger on the street, i will not put it on the internet. There are too many lunatics online for me to be giving them my personal information like that.


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