In Hooked on a Myth, Victoria Braithwaite
claims that fish do feel pain or at least have a conscious to notice they are
in pain. She talks about whether we should treat fish as conscious animals that
feel pain and suffering. She says if we
should change our views on fish whether we see them as simple animals that
don’t feel pain or show thought ,or we should see them as more than a simple
fish and treat them better. She claims that fish have pain receptors located in their lips in order to show
that fish have the capability to feel pain. Fish do react to pain, but I
believe that they don’t feel that pain because their brains aren’t developed
enough for them actually feel or suffer from it. Fish do feel pain; however, unlike
other animals like cats, dogs, birds, etc., they don’t have that sense of
consciousness or self-awareness to suffer and think to themselves that they are
indeed in pain. Also I believe that the benefits that come from fishing like
fishing for sport or to sell on the market to make profit outweigh the cost of
whether the fish is likely to suffer or not.
I agree with this post based simply on the fact that Braithwaite's information and studies have yet to prove that fish actually do feel pain and know that they feel it. Although studies have been advancing closer and closer towards the idea that they do feel and sense pain, it is still not for sure and until it is i refuse to believe that they do. If further studies show that they do, i am sure some people will change the way they fish or their view on these animals that are "more than simple automata", but the majority will continue their usual rituals, barbed hooks and all.