for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I thought we were all equal ...

Now I know this Blog post has absolutely nothing to do with anything we've been discussing in class but I'm tired of reading the same posts about fish and their feelings. Meanwhile there is so much going on around the world. I'm sure if most of you don't watch the news, your parents do or you seen something about it on social media. But if you haven't then this past week another Caucasian police officer was indicted not guilty for killing another African American male named Michael brown. I felt that I should blog about this because everyone deserves to know and feel free to share your opinion below in the comments (unless ignorant) about this subject. Now I'm not taking sides because the male that was murdered was black, but because police officers are supposed to be protecting us, not killing us over misdemeanor crimes. The Officer that shot Brown was Darren Wilson and he has been a police officer for several years, which should mean that he is highly trained and knows what to do in certain situations. So why would your first instinct be to put 2 bullets into someone. And then once that victim is walking away with his hands in the air you fire 4 more bullets into him. Now to my understanding police aren't supposed to fire their gun unless completely necessary. They have multiple items that can be used to detain the suspect if the matter were to get out of hand, such as mace or a club, so why would your first thought be to shoot a person with a gun? Now I understand if it was completely necessary as if you panicked or felt as if you didn't have time to reach and grab your equipment, but in that case it should only be 1 shot  and then you make the arrest. But in Wilson's case he apparently was trigger happy because it wouldn't make sense to fire so many shots when the victim was clearly walking away.
In my opinion Officers should not let there emotions get the best of them. And that's what Wilson did he responded in ways that were not in any type of way necessary.
Another example would be the Trayvon martin case where a man who wasn't even a police officer killed a young boy because he was walking around with his hood on and some snacks in a bag. According to him Trayvon looked dangerous and he then proceeded to call the police who told him to leave the situation alone and he took matters into his own hands and killed the boy. It just goes to show that African Americans aren't as valued in America as other ethnicities. It also crazy to me how a jury was set in front of both of these men, both murderers, and they were convicted not guilty. The fact that 2 murderers are out there living there life is honestly chilling.

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