for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Light Rant

this units essay does need lots of thinking into food. I do not think I have ever thought about food this much up until now. i mean i have thought about where has food come from but not to the point of actually researching the web daily to find more information and ideas. Good thing this week is almost over I'm quite positives most of my peers are leaving Friday which makes the due date for the final draft tomorrow April 2nd. I wanted to add about having this much work in our class, today Mrs.Fletcher shared with me the faces people make because of the work this class requires. I will not lie i did do that to, only because i really was not use to having that much work piled on me in a long time. Plus, who doesn't have senioritis? All i want to point out is the fact that college is coming up and work will become much harder for us. My fellow peers, we are surpassing the teenage life into young Adulthood which means we should not complain when Bosses or teachers give you a work load to do. Think of it as a gesture of life giving you what you can accomplish everyday. Spring break is right around the corner and we'll all have time the relax for a little while, unless you have Mr.Geddy's Video project!'

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are saying completely, and although I am a huge advocate for making faces on a daily basis (sorry fletcher) I am not accustomed to this work load at all. I came from an English class where all we did was SSR, essays, and lit. book work. It seems as though for the first 3 weeks of a lesson we do small activities and then the last week we have so much work due (causing faces of agony) It can be quite stressful at times. And then not only that but hello SENIORITIS. I swear I've had senioritis since like freshmen year. Not everyone likes school so people cant expect everyone to do it without complaining, I mean at least at the end of the day the assignments are getting done.


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