for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Meat Is Not The Problem We Are

        Meat is not the problem we are, we are the ones who are currently demanding such vast amounts of cows, pigs, and chickens to be slain for our consumption. Meat is in itself a wonderful gift from God, the animals we kill to obtain it vary greatly. However it is very good for us, we need certain nutrients and proteins from them and I for one like to live. The animals are not to be blamed obviously but we are, or at least more directly the corporations that mass slaughter and "grow" these animals are. We can change the way that animals are seen and treated by not purchasing from the large companies. I know it may be extremely difficult to not buy those delicious chicken nuggets or even those beef tacos in the frozen food section but those are the unhealthy meats because they are chalk full of chemicals and are mostly corn fed and genetically modified. We can instead purchase better tasting and better for us meat from farmers markets and whole markets! Sprouts is one such local establishment and they sell just about every sort of meat you could want and the good thing is that it is all healthy and GMO free. Thats right GMO free. Try and make a difference and buy from your local farmer market today and get the best meat you could ever hope for!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that everyone around the US should try to proportion the vast amounts of red meat and poultry that we consume every day, however, you have to take into consideration that there is sometimes no choice in the matter for some. Some families can only afford those frozen chicken nuggets or Drive-Thru burgers because that's the only thing that they can afford sometimes. We live in a society where a simple apple is more expensive that a candy bar, and unless we can shape up our act and reform such ideas, get used to seeing more people driving scooters on the sidewalk.


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