for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat

A serious issue within the US that we're all aware of is the alarming obesity ratio within the population.  Studies have shown that as many as 1/3 of the citizens in the US are considered obese compared to the rest.  This is primarily due to our very poor diets and calorie rich foods that we constantly consume.  The US is considered to be one of the top countries in fat, sugar, and oils consumption due to the fact that we have so many unhealthy foods and snacks on the market.  And sometimes, we can't help but buy the fattier foods because we live in a country where fruits and water are more expensive than chocolates and soda.  For the poorer families in the United States, they want to keep both their finances in somewhat stable condition while keeping their families fed at the same time, thus leaving them little choice in the decision of what to buy at the grocery store.  Another interesting topic that America places near top for is the annual meat consumption per person.  The US has an outstanding meat consumption rate, for the average citizen could consume around 71 lbs of red meat and about 54 lbs of poultry per year.  With little to no vegetables to compensate for the alarming amounts of meat consumed per person, we are left with a carnivore society that would rather have a fatty marbled steak than a fresh crunchy salad.  I'm not saying that every person in the US should go vegan or go on a no trans-fat diet at , but we should at least try to think about what we are putting in our stomachs.  Adjusting the ratio of meat/vegetable consumption could work as a start, but we should also take into consideration that we should start to eat what we need, not eat what we want.  Overeating is still a thing, and just because you may eat mostly vegetables in your diet, it can still lead to a very bloated body.  Next time you go to the supermarket, try to aim for the more proportionate and healthy foods on the shelves.  You may hate it now, but the future you who doesn't have to ride everywhere on a scooter will thank you later.

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