for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015


"Phylosophe" by Judith Butler really just proves how everyone just assumes about people they don't even know. Believing what other people say about others who always don't even know the person their judging. In the article Butler talks about how a man walking down the street the town he lived in  and people would make fun of the way he walked. They said he walked "feminine" and call him a "swish". Later on when he was walking down the street some boys approached him and fought him. This guy has nothing against these boys who fought him, he was living his life, how did he affect these men? After fighting him, they ended up throwing him over the bridge and killed this innocent man who was just minding his own business and didn't even know these boys. I'm sure these boys didn't even know this guy at all, they just assumed he was gay basically because of the way he "walked" It just shows how people can be so low. Your really killing someone because of the way they walked?
Again, instead of just assuming something about someone or believing what other people say doesn't mean you have to follow along. People never have time to get to know someone and just decide to assume stuff about them based on what they wear, how they talk or dress. Society now just follows what others say, blind from the truth basically and decide to just assume.

1 comment:

  1. I agree but i don't believe the boys who caused this incident truly bothered them, but i agree that they follow what society believes is right from wrong and they allowed themselves to treat this boy badly because he is different than what they are.


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