for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Family influencing gender roles

     Something that sort of bugs me when my grandma comes to visit. Don't get me wrong I love her and she is nice and all but there are some occasions we have different opinions, especially when it comes to gender roles. She is a bit closed minded and don't see that times have changed and things aren't what they were before.
     One thing my grandma always tells me is to always have the house neat and help my mom with all the house work even though I always do. She tells me to cook and etc,because she says that it is what I need to do because I am a girl. A man is supposed to provide for us by being finalcially stable and going to work so we can stay home. She is constantly telling me that no man likes a girl who is independent and the faster I learn to cook and learn to keep my place as a girl the better chances I have for someone to want to marry me.
     She says I was brought onto earth to have babies and listen to my husband. I constantly tell her I don't want to have any kids and I want to travel and because I don't want kids she calls me useless because that's why I was brought to this earth. It upsets me because my mom was always independent and never needed my dad's help and always found a way to get through tough situations, showing me that I don't need to depend on a man or anyone. My mom and sister work and we all help around the house and get things done.
     When one of my uncles comes over he is always making his wife get him food, drinks and etc. I don't like that because even if he is sitting next to the drinks he will yell for my aunt when shes attending to the children just to bring him a soda. My mom also gets upset and tells him god gave him hands and feet and he is grown to get his own things, he just rolls his eyes and gets it himself.
     I think that family can strongly influence you from a young age because they are teaching you how to behave and whats appropriate and what is not. They teach you the basics meanwhile indirectly teaching you how a male and female are to act,

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. My family is the same way but i think its only because thats the way they were taught when they were younger so they broke into that habit as they got older. My grandmother says the same thing and i believe its sexist to say those are only women roles when in reality men are capable of doing the same thing we can.


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