for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Its sucks being a girl sometimes....

Honestly it can really suck being a girl, well at least in my household it is. Women are always looked down as fragile and dependent on others. In my household it’s just my older sister and I and we are both struggling in our own way to obtain some freedom and independence from our parents. It’s a nice feeling knowing your parents worry about you and all but we’re getting older and they still keep us on a leash. Growing up I was always surrounded by many family members such as cousins who are luckily the same age but the difference between us is our genders.  As we grew older they got to go outside regardless of if they were hanging out with friends or just cursing around town. For my sister and I on the other hand couldn’t go out unless our parents knew the details and we couldn’t go outside by ourselves. During my sister’s high school years she became quite rebellious only because she felt like a bird in a cage, if our parents could have just given some freedom and trust from the start she wouldn’t of had to be so rebellious. I on the other hand didn’t rebel because I knew the consequences my sister obtained when she rebelled so I thought to myself “just be the good child and gain their trust, soon enough they will let me go outside”, yeeaaa that didn’t really go as planned. I did all they asked but its only till now that I’m able to walk around a bit on my own while my cousins on the other hand have been doing that and more for years already. It sucks because when the day does come and it’s time to live outside of the cage I worry I won’t be mentally prepared, that I’ll get drunk off freedom. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if guys know how lucky they are when it comes to the little things in everyday life such as this. 


  1. It is the same way in my household. I cannot anything unless I tell my parents all of the details. But my younger cousins go around town and do whatever they want without a question from their parents. When we are at a family party the boys cuss and tell inappropriate jokes, but once a women says something of that sort we are bashed on. I think girls have always been on the lower end of the stick and we are seen as fragile; therefore, making people treat boys in a less sensitive way because of the stereotype that they are tougher.

  2. I for sure know that my mom is keeping me on a leash. If she doesn't know all my passwords (Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, even my phone) then I'm not allowed to have it at all. I feel like my mom is doing all she can to make me stay here instead of Portland for college because she doesn't want to let me grow up yet.


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