for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, March 27, 2015

FOOD: Double Taxation

Food, there is no doubt that we all love it. Come on. Would we be alive if it weren’t for food? However, after this whole segment on food politics, I am beginning to second guess this divine enjoyment. Food as we think we know it is not what we think at all. The hidden actions about food that are taken behind our backs is absolutely appalling and disturbing to say the least. I was reading an article somewhere that sated that food allergies in children has increased tremendously over the last few decades. Our health is declining at a tremendous speed as well. There is a saying that what goes inside is reflected on the outside and I believe that in the case of what we are eating, bad health is the result. Although we choose the food we buy, it seems as if though the food that is most beneficial to our health also happens to be the most expensive. Low income families are not able to buy the healthy food and resort to junk food and fast food that deteriorate their health. I would think for a country that looks out for the good of its citizens, the USA would be the first to do something about this unfairness. It looks to me like our government is using the people to make money and they can care less about our health.

For the most part it seems as if the government does not care about our health, but they do things like the clubs day restrictions, it make me wonder that they might actually care. We had our first clubs day of the year last week and everybody was in an uproar because of the strict guidelines. I was amongst the loudest protester. However, to some extent, I was contradicting myself. I supported a healthy lifestyle, yet I was complaining when the government finally decided to do something about it. Now I realize that yes, I am in full support of Michele Obama and her call for a healthier America. People are getting too sick over preventable causes. I do solely believe that it is not something we just leave up to the government. It is a collective agreement. If we demand healthier food and stop buying as much junk food, the food “trolls” will have no choice but to provide healthier food for us. Take control of your food and health and do not let anyone decide for you how you should eat. It’s funny but not really how after providing us with junk that make us sick, the government turns around and collects more money from us after all of the multiple hospital visits. Hmm, maybe, just maybe, there is a connection.


  1. I agree with your statement here. It is disturbing to know the truth about what the FDA is letting go into our bodies. I mean it is our choice to eat these things, but should they even be allowed to be made in the first place? Our health Is going downhill due to this epidemic and it is affecting us greatly. I think they government does care, but the problem is still aroused and something needs to be done about it.

  2. It's true what you said, about being a supporter of healthy eating, but the limitation of Clubs Day was just too much too handle. Somehow, the idea of the government crept up on us: money is the motive. The government doesn't care about what we eat or how we eat it; they care solely on the basis of money and how much money they earn by selling all these different kinds of processed foods. Whatever makes a profit is what they see is best. No wonder the US has a reputation for being the most obese country.


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