for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015


There are many reasons why we are treated unfairly and one of the reasons being is due to sexism. Women have to put up with a lot of criticism and deal with superstition others have amongst them. I was raised with just my mother so she played the role of both a man and women in the house. Men think all women are good for are cleaning, and doing "feminine" things such as painting nails, shopping, etc which is true but they don't realize we are also very intelligent and can do just as same what men can do. I always see the way guys treat girls as if they are much more powerful than we are. This isn't true for all boys/men but a majority of the male believe women are incapable of doing male roles or having their level of intelligence. When I mention the term "sexism" it can be meant in different ways such as being taught at school that "rape" should be more of a concern to women because its more common but its sexist to say that men are mainly the reasons of this happening. Just because you are a man and are capable of doing this doesn't mean all "men" rape or in general that they do. Sexism occurs between both man and a women for example a couple with a baby. The baby needs to get their diaper changed and automatically the man gives the baby to the women because thats a "women" role. Or it may be the other way around, that the women automatically takes the baby for a diaper change because she believes a "man" is incapable of doing women roles. Sexism occurs even when we don't think it is or realize. In my opinion, i believe sexism will truly not go away completely anytime soon because it occurs everywhere at anytime whether its o the streets, or job sexism discrimination, at home etc.

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