for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, March 27, 2015

Why do we let someone else control what goes into our bodies?

In Wendell Berry's article The Pleasures of Eating he argues a point that really sticks out to me. He talks about how in food politics we let others control the foods we eat. But why do we do that? Why in this free country do we let someone else control what goes into our bodies? Mostly because we don't have time to cook our own food or are just flat out too lazy. Berry also discusses how food is an "agricultural act" and how people see it as farming, so they feel as if they aren't or can't be participants. All society is concerned about is that they have something showing up on their plates, not worrying about where it is actually coming from. Berry explains that "food wears as much makeup as the actors." 
I feel this to be a major problem because our health is at risk because of all the preservatives that are put into the food that we are consuming. The way to fix this problem, according to Berry, is to prepare our own food, start our own garden, and learn about food and what is healthy and what us not. Berry says, "learn as much as you can, by direct observation and experience if possible, of the life histories of the food species." 
My topic is cutting down meat consumption and how it would affect our health. And during my research a favorite piece I found was a Ted Talk by Graham Hill. He talks about vegetarianism and how eating meat only a couple days a week or less will make a huge impact on our economy. Ten billion animals are raised each year for meat consumption, this creates more emissions than all transportation combined. Eating one hamburger a day increases risk of dying by a third and beef uses one hundred times more water than vegetables. He calls this method of only eating meat a couple times a week as being a "weekday vegetarian" and swapping some of the dark meat for light meat such as chicken. 
Basically what I am trying to say is that America should be taught what is put into their food, and should then be aware of what they are eating. I am suggesting that we should change our eating habits and eat things that are only one ingredient and cut down on our meat consumption in order to save some animals, land, water, and especially to save our health. 


  1. I don't understand how when we live in a democracy of a government how we are not fully in control of what we eat. we have the FDA telling us what to eat and what not to eat. how much freedom do we really have if we cannot be guaranteed the safety and health of our food. what if the FDA is lying to us? it is actually scary that I don't know what I am eating. how come everything has corn and nobody ever told me that. these people are being really sketchy.

  2. I think we should be alarmed of everything that is in our food and then if we still want to eat it then that's on us. I don't think schools should be banned from snacks and all the good food. Do you think schools really care what we eat? How are we not in full control of what we eat? Is this an issue with freedom? We never really know , the government hides so much. Who is it to say that a vegetarian is better than a non vegetarian? Everyone should be allowed to eat what they please

  3. Some people think the idea of vegetarianism is crazy, but the idea of limiting our meat consumption is a-okay. Meat is heavy on the meals that my parents cook. It'd be kind of hard to put it off as part of my diet, but there are always alternatives that we can kind to eat. You mention to replace red meat with white meat. Maybe fish or chicken is a better substitute than pork or beef? I like the particular topic you're writing about. It kind of gives advice to people on how to change their diets for the greater good.


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