for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1984 Over View

There were some parts in this book that i found to be super interesting and other parts that i found to be extremely boring. I am just going to say that from the very beginning when O’Brian was first introduced, i did not trust him at all. I also did not trust Julia but was very surprised to find out that she was actually really against the Party. I was beyond shocked when I found out who Mr. Charrignton really was. That was the last thing I thought He would be. Anyways, there are some Parts of the book that struck me as very frighteningly art. For Example, the Party targets children. They know that kids will believe just about anything and what they learn sticks with them. They start children off learning how to spot someone committing thought crime. They are not even remorseful enough to put their family first. All that is in the mind of these young children is the Party and ratting out anyone who they thought was a threat to The Party. Take Parson’s little girl for example, at only seven years old, she marched out of her group during a hike and followed someone who she suspected to be spy. Not only that, but she also ratted out her own father. The party really does a good job feeding their slogans into the minds of these innocent children. Secondly, I thought it was smart of O’Brian to trap Winston the way he did. He had Winston believe that O’Brian was really on his side when in truth; he was really an Inner Party member. O’Brian had Julia and Winston believing that they were so smart and wise,, when in truth, he knew of their whereabouts and actions. Thirdly, the big issue of surveillance. Big Brother is constantly watching the citizens of Oceania. Non of them have any real freedom because everything that they say and do is accounted for and will be used against them. although our government’s current surveillance is up to par, I don’t believe that it will ever get to the point of something similar to Big Brother. the people of our society have too much power in their hands. Lastly, I did not like the way the book ended at all. I thought that Winston and Julia would be able to defeat the Party and start some type of  a revolution to overthrow the Party, but unfortunately, they were both killed. so much for a happy ending. over all, this book was interesting and i liked reading it.

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