for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

How close are we?

In 1984, there were multiple times where Winston and Julia had to meet at a secret place. This was because they both knew that Big Brother would be watching and listening to their every movement. It is really sad that their government had absolutely no limits to how closely they would track people. This reminds me of our cell phones of today. In a article that we read in class, it talked about how our phones should be named something besides cell phones, like "trackers", because they are not used to only communicate, but it gives the government a chance to watch our every move and actions. It is claimed to be for only security purposes, and to keep our country safe, but when is breaching our privacy too interfering? I feel like there should be a written and spoken statements explaining what it is that they do with our phones, and what exactly their limits are. I don't know if I am completely comfortable with knowing that my location among other things are being tracked, but it does help to know exactly what is going on. The next concern is to how much surveillance power should the government get before it become to invasive and too powerful. What we don't know is how the system of "Big Brother" came about, and if all it took was too much power given to the government, for the new society to begin. Our country is always claiming how United we are and how free we are, yet there are SO many things that we do not know, and that we are not aware of. This doesn't show unity, this shows the same characteristics of "Big Brother". Something should be changed soon before we slowly fall into a government's traps, and eventually lead a life with no freedom.

1 comment:

  1. In america, the supposed "power to the People" slogan is a very serious matter. I believe that the government does not have enough power to completely control our lives. Much of the power the government has comes from the people. We can easily ring the government down if we think that they invading our privacy for reasons other than protection. As for freedom, we really don't have much freedom because everything we do is done by the rules of the land.


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