for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Socratic seminar

On Friday of this past week my classmates and I participated in a group speaking activity in which we discussed the events and raising questions that were brought about in the novel 1984, written by George Orwell. One of the main topics of the discussion was the Newspeak language and how Big Brother used it to try to expel certain words, vocabulary, and thoughts from the common people's language. I feel that, even though the words may no longer exist, it would be very difficult to completely rid an idea from existence, especially one as significant as rebellion or hapiness. Our activity also largely consisted of the idea of surveillance and when it becomes intrusive onto our community. We all know the meaning behind surveillance if general safety, but over installment of spyware, cameras, and microphones results in the people becoming paranoid and violated. In 1984, Winston tries to find peace in his diary, but the constant watch of the telescreens does not allow it. This is an instance where the government goes too far in trying to ensure the publics General welfare. In conclusion, I thought the activity was a good way to give me other perspectives on some of the underlying topics in the novel and i enjoy group activities.

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