for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Socratic Seminar

     I thought that the Socratic Seminar was pretty neat. It was the first time i had done anything like that. I enjoyed hearing what everyone had to say about 1984 and the type of government. As i was listening various people made good points and made me reevaluate the way i thought about the book. I had really good ideas but couldn't find a way to cut in because i felt that i would be rude just talking over someone. We are essentially trying to be find the right time and jump it to give our own opinion.Over all i think we as a class did well regarding being patient and respectful of what others were saying but we lacked participation, seeing how this was our first time. I think if we organized ourselves a bit more we could have gone in a circle to share on one topic at a time and if you didn't have anything to contribute you can pass so no one will be pressured to participate because everyone has an individual grade.
     One thing i was dying to contribute was on a comment some one made on how media limits what see and know. I didn't get the opportunity to give my opinion because many people were contributing and eventually moved on to another topic. I wanted to say that it is true the media is limiting us to what we see and know, because I write in the school newspaper (WindJammer) and even though many people don't read it because they say it's boring it frustrates me. It is frustrating when people talk bad about newspaper because it isn't our fault, Mr. Eeles limits us in so many ways to print what we want with certain exceptions Mr. Eeles takes out our best stories , the things people want to read and care about for example we did an under cover drug story which he said was a negative view on the school. It greatly upset many of the WindJammer staff because we work hard and to change a story last minute and find something else that takes up the same amount of space in a short period of time. There are so many things that we can't do because we also need to think about our adviser and how she can get in trouble for what we publish even though we are protected by the law.

1 comment:

  1. I actually believe that as a class we did a great job for it being our first time doing a Socratic seminar. I liked how a lot of people contributed and I believe that it was organized. But I do understand where you're coming from when you say a lot of people jumped in at once, but that was I think on a single topic. But we did kind of move on a bit too fast so I do understand on why you couldn't share what you wanted to say.


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