for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Socratic Seminar

Socratic Seminar was very helpful in understanding the concepts of surveillance and Big Brother. Many people had great topics to discuss and explain both sides of the argument. I feel that surveillance is mostly everywhere. In 1984 big brother is the government and he sees everything the telescreens are surveillance cameras. I feel like living in a society where there's always surveillance is bad and doesn't give us our freedom and privacy we deserve. Everyone said many important topics about the book and asked great questions. Big brother was taking over all of the society of Oceania. It made me think what would happen if our society would get like that. If there was surveillance everywhere and the government knew everything we were talking about and what we do. Socratic seminar had me thinking about things and informed about things I didn't know about. It was a great way to understand the book more and surveillance. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you David. I feel as though privacy should be our rights and included into what freedom should be in our society. Even if there is a crisis in our nation that does not give our government the permission to intrude into our privacy, and honestly they should not have the ability to know our personal information unless we give them the permission too.


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