for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Is 1984 a warning?

   George Orwell's purpose of writing 1984 could have been to express his "Imaginary thoughts" about a totalitarian government. Or maybe its a warning about the future. If our government were to go from Federal republic to Totalitarian the United States would be frantic. In 1984 the government controls everyone and if you rebel against it then you are killed. It makes me think how mind control and torture techniques could be used to make an individual or whole nation do what the government wants.  Living in a society where you cannot express yourself freely is not enjoyable. Communication, personal beliefs, and individual loyalty to the government are all controlled by the inner Party in many ways. Thought, speech and actions are all monitored by political officials in one way or another.
    The government even created a new language called Newspeak with limited way of expressing themselves, which in turn simply brainwashed those of Oceania. For example on page 46 Syme and Winston are talking about the newspeak and how they hate it and Syme talks about as if he likes it. He almost sounds like a brainwashed robot. "It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of  words...  You haven't a real appreciation for Newspeak, Winston...  Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?"
    The Thought Police are a group of followers that spy on people, and determine whether or not they are thinking negative thoughts or have a desire to overthrow the Party. If so, they are accused of thought crime, and the punishment is death, either by hanging or torture by a Thought Police official. The thought police are similar to the patriot act in which our government watches those suspected of terrorism in today's society.
    The Party also used electronic devices to keep tabs on the citizens of Oceania. Just like a normal television, the "telescreens", were like cameras, watching every move made by any one at any time. It was uncertain whether party officials could watch everyone, at every time, but out of fright, citizens assumed they could. This is similar to our smart phones. Where the government has the access to see what were doing but no one is sure if they are always looking or not.
    So I ask is 1984 a warning?


  1. I think it's very interesting how you're putting this book into the perspective of it being a warning. I also believe that it could be a possible warning. I feel like the government is just going to get more and more protective and strict on us with surveillance.

  2. I like the ideas you posed about 1984 being a warning sign; however, I don't feel as though it is. I mean of course our society has advanced with a lot of new technology similar to those of the book but these things are used for a totally benevolent purpose . We are being protected by this technology not harmed , atleast I am ...

  3. I feel as though, no. It is not a warning, yet I think that it could be a prophecy or even a way that this world COULD turn out but it does not necessarily mean that this IS how our outcome as a country will end up. There has been many things that can lead up to this, but whose to say that we aren't already in a government like "Big Brother's"? Just one that is camouflaged much better. ;)


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