for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Webcam Surveillance, Too Far

1984 is a book that illustrates what a world would be like completely controlled by the government. One example of the totalitarian government techniques is the constant surveillance on the citizens. There is the one device named the telescreen, where unlike our normal television, it watches you. This means that you will never know when you are being watched and to what extent. I feel as though the government has taken things too far, and that it had taken away all of the freedoms and individualism in a person. 

This reminds me a little bit of our government of today. We now have these webcams that are supposed to give us the opportunity to talk to someone face to face without them being there physically. Yet there has been recent accusations and even some proof that these webcams give the government a chance to spy on us and watch us during our daily tasks. For example, there was a recent story given by one of our classmates about the Xbox connect. It was said that the gaming system was completely shut off, yet there were clicking noises as though there were pictures being taken. Later on she found out that they actually were pictures being taken of her. This is very scary because it makes me wonder if we are slowly turning into the Big Brother world of 1984. If that is what is happening, how long will it take for us to get to that point? In other words, how long before our government tries to completely take over its society 

As citizens we should be able to choose if are privacy should be breached by the government or if it should not. Instead it seems as though we are not being notified with their actions, and that is what makes situations, such as being spied on through our webcams, such a scary thing.

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