for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Saturday, January 24, 2015


  Technology may be our worst invasion. Lives were lost to fight for our rights, and one of them was privacy. It's no secret that technology is becoming more integrated in our work lives, and since we're getting more comfortable with it we're allowing technology to become more involved with our personal lives too. The number of people who own phones, laptops, or tablets is rising. Because so many people own one of these devices or all three, it's important to realize that as technology advances, it's becoming more intrusive in our personal lives. Personal information about us is constantly being gathered. Your device probably knows more about you than your close friend. Technology has become a part of us. It carries our contacts, calendar, personal messages to friends and colleagues, and other important information. Since we're all so comfortable wit technology we begin to get in the habit of storing personal information on our devices. This personal information can include anything from your Social Security number to your bank account or credit card numbers. I understand that we all need that personal information from time to time, however it's ignorant of us to think that the information is safe and will be completely removed from the memory once we delete it, especially since it's been shown multiple times that deleted information can be recovered.Also, with all of these new innovative technologies and apps coming out, it's harder to keep some personal information from being seen. More and more, apps are requiring to be able to access your contacts, pictures, and files for you to use them, and these apps are being downloaded from millions of people and still counting. The government may be doing this for good intentions; however, they may be crossing the line asking for more information from us. Our privacy is slowly being taken away, but it may be for the good of the people. Keep in mind that there’s so many people, the government may only be tracking down suspicious ones and not each and every one of you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Aylin. I never realized until now that you pointed it out that apps do ask if they may have access to our pictures or location etc. I always click yes without putting any thought to it and ask myself why they need access to it? I dont think its for such a huge purpose and they invade our privacy but no one really knows if they are capable of sharing our information which is a big issue. I myself, am i very comfortable with my cell phone and i jot down random information i need onto my notes without realizing its very important to not put personal info because anyone can hack into my cell phone. I believe we should all be careful of sharing personal info that we would not like to be shared to not be put into any device.


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