for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Socratic seminar

This past Friday we had a Socratic seminar which was where people shared their thoughts based on what we are learning about in class right now. The Socratic seminar consisted of both 1984 and surveillance because both of those thongs relate to what we are learning currently but surveillance is also what 1984 is almost about with the telescreens and all the other stuff.
Unfortunately many other people like me weren’t able to share their thoughts throughout the discussion. I know that the discussion was for a grade and I feel bad that I did not participate but I’m at fault for that. I am not going to blame it on my shyness to speak in front of all my classmates but I didn’t participate in the discussion because I honestly was really sleepy. Its first period and honestly I sleep like 6 hours every night because I stay up for no important reason. I feel bad that I let Ms. Fletcher down by not participating but that will not happen again. What I noticed throughout the discussion is that many of us are like minded and anything that I would think relating to the topic someone would say it and that is also another reason that I didn’t share because I did not want to repeat what someone else had already said.
Although I didn’t talk I enjoyed hearing everyone thoughts on what they had to say on surveillance and the book 1984. I noticed that some people liked the idea of surveillance and some didn’t. The room at the time was floating with thoughts of the possibility that 1984 is sort of what is happening to us right now. I heard many good thoughts and I gathered those ideas for a possible use in my essay if I need them for support or anything else. I loved the Socratic seminar and it was really helpful and I really think that it benefitted everyone when they write the essay for the final, to all those who shared on Friday good job,

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