for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

surveillance boundaries

As im on my IPad just scrolling though these blogs I just wonder what if someone was looking at me through my webcam right now. It's kind or creepier knowing someone is watching rather than not knowing at all. I think that surveillance is essential though, but at what point is too far? In 1984 telescreens are my version of too far. Cameras that are in stores, tracking devices those kind of sureveillances are okay. That can actually save someone's life, but telescreens and stuff is too much. Maybe we are closer to the ways in 1984 than we thought. In "That's No Phone, That's My Tracker" it basically was saying how we don't really use or phones for what they were made for which is making calls. We text, use social media a lot, especially this generation. Phones are very useful though especially IPhones. All you have to do it type something into Google and you can get your answer. FaceTime is very useful and one of my favorites. Imagine while on FaceTime someone was behind both of the phones watching your entire conversation. That's when I think surveillance has gone too far. Having cameras in the bathroom, your room, private places shouldn't be allowed. At that point it's just all about your personal rights and privacy. We should all be able to think what we want and do what we want freely. If we couldn't think what we'd normally think I would actually go crazy. All I think is surveillance is cool, but at what point is it crossing the line?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Myah and I feel the same way. I wonder how much of this "tracking" and watching us does it take before our government take it too far. When is enough enough? Maybe it takes us as a country to show the government our limits and how far we are willing to let them watch us. Surveillance for safety as in stores is okay, but to constantly watch us is just uncomfortable.


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