for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014

difficult decisions

Now that college applications for Cal States are almost due I've never felt so pressured before as I do now. I'm so stressed because I never really have much time in the day to sit on my computer for a couple of hours and works on applications because of homework and projects assigned etc. I opened up an application and noticed I had to put what major I'm interested in and realized I wasn't so sure. I took an ROP Health Occupations class to see if i would be interested in the medical field and i was. I was interested in becoming a neonatalogist (doctor for premature,ill babies) because well.. I love babies and just the thought of being able to save a newborns life would be so incredible. If I do choose that route, I would major in Biology or any science major. But then ever since I was about 8 years old I've always been that "crafty, creative person" you can say. I loved the thought of being able to come up with new ideas and making them my own. That still hasn't changed about myself, so another interest I would like to major in is designing. I'm still looking more into it. So should I major with a BS or BA? Both are totally opposite careers but they are both careers I would really love. The downside of Neonatalogist would be the fact that babies wont make it and I know that will devastate me. The downside for designing would be it doesn't make as much of a high salary as a doctor does. I spoke to a friend about this complicated decision and their automatic response was to become a doctor. They said I wont be as successful if I major in designing. I felt really offended because that response basically told me "Don't do what you love, you will fail." They obviously don't know the famous designers. I'm not saying in any way i'll be "famous" but its a way of saying that nothing is impossible to achieve a goal and becoming successful in life. Should I double major? or would that be a waste of my time? I feel as myself only being a 16 year old, I feel so pressured to know exactly what I want to major in and my career option in so little time. Then I feel if i'm pressured, I will make a mistake and waste more time. I still have about a 10-11 months until I start college and feel as if I must have a response and decision this very second. Any advice?


  1. Hey Natalie I feel the same way with being in the medical field at first I wanted to be a doctor because it's an interesting career and you can save people's lives and you get paid a lot but now I don't want to be it because it's to much school and now im thinking either a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant there almost the same career but a nurse practitioner has an advanced degree in nursing. but I'm so confused because I also would like to work in the business part of the medical field such as being a hospital executive or a president of an health insurance so I don't know what to do. Anyways focusing on you you should do what you really want to don't worry about the pay or the amount of schooling just see what kind of career you want to be in. If you really like designing you should major in designing don't let the pay salary stop you if you really put your mind and heart into it you can really succeed and be famous. you're very creative and imaginative so designing would be the perfect career for you. I get that you also want to be a neonatologist but if you're head is telling you a neonatologist because you like helping babies and you like the pay then be it. But just see what you picture yourself doing in ten years and what your interests are more in. If you really love both careers than get a double major incase one career doesn't work out you have your back up plan. Just choose a major that your more interested in and don't look at the pay do something you love and you would always love and never would get tired of it.

  2. College applications can be very stressful, so I completely agree with what you're saying. And personally, I believe that you should stick with whichever one you love. You don't want to wake up in fifteen years and dread doing whatever it is that you do. Stick with what you love and you'll be fine. Good luck to you!


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