for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sitting here thinking.

Sitting here thinking about what to blog about I am considering sharing a reliable source  about working with kids and encouraging them to be active in there lives and school. Being a dance teacher working with children every week I have learned to understand whether or not they like to be engaged in an activity or just being flat out bored and  distracted. For those wanting to learn how to deal with kids but, don't know how to. here are some tips you might want to consider doing to help you after you graduate and have to work with kids. you can use this is a doctors office if the child is going to get a shot, if the child is bored and unamused with what you are saying . Anything to help you with taking charge of young children.

Step one: Keeping your voice loud and happy. I've learned this by going to Disneyland so many times. every single cast member is loud but cheerful, non threating. The difference in the tone of your voice will have an impact on the kids whether it is negative or positive. it'll let the kids know when its time too fool around or time to stay focused and alert.

Step two: Keeping kids in order . Having over 10 kids all at once can be overwhelming , Having kids who are either jumpy, moody, active, loud, shy, distracted, lazy can be tough to take control over. But remember kids are simple to engage in an activity. A child's mind can be a whirl wind of creativity , take advantage of that. keeping kids in order is important. needing to know where each kid is , is one of the first rules of taking care of children. with out keeping them in one place, two can be in totally different locations. some can wonder off into a "no zone" or in a worse case, lose a child. expanding kids to being is lines, reminds them of being organized in school. Every single thing you do to a child will be absorbed.

Step three: Remind the child of their worth in this world. Teaching kids steps in dance can be hard. every times a student in my class achieves a dance step I congratulate them with showing them they are capable of anything. A bad way of trying to get kids to encourage them is by yelling at them, telling them they aren't doing it right. I'm positive if you mention anything in that direction , it will scare them and the parents wont want to bring their child back to you. discipline all rely on their age. if the child isn't doing what they are being told , simply remind them of doing the right thing instead of the wrong.
here is a link to further help you with encouraging kids .


  1. I wasn't expecting this kind of post on the blog, but I'm really glad you posted it! I've put a lot of thought in what I wanted to do in the future and I came to the conclusion that I was to be a teacher, specifically teaching elementary students. I know that with working with kids, I'll have to learn how to be patient and more lively when around them. I've always liked working with people--adults and kids alike--and putting myself in leadership positions. I'm the Vice President of 3 different clubs on campus and I also know how it feels like to keep my members engaged in activities and being active during meetings. These steps really helped me out, and I'll make sure to use them at my meeting tomorrow :-)

  2. It is really cool that you posted this because I watch my three nephews and niece and it's hard to make them listen but I also don't want them to be scared of me and make it worse. The oldest is six turning seven in Feb. and second oldest is four, they are pretty good with listening but sometimes they get out of hand. The two year old and one year old are a bit more difficult and hard for me to handle, and know I can try using your tips, thanks


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