for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Make Memories. Have Some Fun.

A hilarious moment happened in Cheerleading practice today, and I would like to share it with the rest of you. We have been rushing to put together a dance for this Friday's assembly. We didn't know of a way for us to all get a hold of the music and Myah yells out, "Put it on the blog." The rest of us who are taking ERW think it is the funniest thing in the world. This made me realize something. It is nice to have a way to communicate with others who are all in the same situation as you. This blog has actually informed me on a lot. I realized that talking to others and hearing their stories that I am not alone. I am not the only stressed out senior who is preparing for the next step in their life.

At the start of this year I had no idea where I wanted to go to college, or what I wanted to major in. All I knew was that I wanted to go. And now two months later, I am finally on a path. I'm not one hundred percent sure where it is headed, but I have turned a lot more corners and made a lot more footprints than before. I am proud of myself, and the rest of you should be too.

I wanted to now talk about the packet of articles that we read a couple of weeks ago. Thank you Ms. Fletcher for those because it helped. I learned that failure is okay and it is something you should share with others. I learned that there are certain things that most college students are stressed out over, such as money and getting home sick. Just know that once we reach that next step in our life, we will have other students to talk to about our problems; just like we are doing now on this blog.

Remember, not only are you going to college to get an education, but also to have some fun. It is our first chance to experience full freedom; we are going to make all the decisions on our own. That is a scary, yet frightening thought. But I believe in myself and I believe in you too. Don't let the worries take over. Make memories. Have some fun.


  1. Agreed Emily, it is good to communicate with people who are in the same boat as you or the same situations as you. It is extremely reassuring to know that you aren't the only one feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and scared about what is to come. Even with the fear, the excitement, and confusion building up inside of us these last few months of high school I'm positive we'll all make it somewhere amazing this time next year. I believe is all of us as well as Em does. C/o 2015! :D

  2. Haha, I agree with you Emily. Actually I think ERW has changed my life. �� I really said, "put it on the blog" at cheer practice. Even though Mrs. Fletcher might not be the most organized person ever she is amazing. I would like to thank you Mrs. Fletcher because I have learned things from your class that I can actually take with me beyond school and that's what school should be about. The packets you gave us and had us annotate actually give me courage and hope that everything will be okay. It Is okay to fail, failing is apart of growing.

    Blogging is good because you can communicate with people that have the same questions, worries and problems as you. We might not know what college we want to go to now, but in due time everything will be figured out. Senior year is all about making memories one last time with some people you will never see again, or make memories with people that you will show your kids later on in life about your high school memories and how long you guys have been friends. I will enjoy my last year of high school and prepare for the next step in my life.

  3. We've only been in ERW for about two months and I feel that I've actually learned way more than what I would have in any other of my classes. The packets that we annotated really informed us of information that we can actually use in our everyday lives, rather than getting some confusing handout that other teachers pass out that won't stay in our minds after we turn it in.

  4. My grades have been dropping thanks to me having a bit too much fun, so although I do agree with Emily, I also feel the need to put a warning out there for everyone to not make "fun" the priority for senior year. All of our grades have to be kept at least above a C in order for us to graduate, and moreover, to make sure we don;t lose our acceptance to the schools we want to go to because we didn't think that one class didn't matter. Whether your aware of it or not, colleges to have the power to reject you even after you've been accepted if they aren't satisfied enough with your final transcript, which i imagine must be absolutely terrible. So I'm not trying to say don't mess up at all because messing up can be really fun, but just don't mess up too much. Even though this year seems like our zenith, college is going to be ten times as good.

  5. Regarding this topic, i am going to have to totally disagree with Jeremy. For some, high school may be the most exciting and fun-packed experience of their lives. Maybe their top goal for high school is to enjoy while it last. Not all seniors have the same aspirations as Jeremy, instead they might want to head straight into the workforce or the military, and they want to make the most memories out of this once in a lifetime opportunity, even if it means keeping their grades up falls down on their priority list.


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