for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Value of Senior Year

Coming into senior year, I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. A few factors came into play that led me to this false assumption. First, was that junior year had been so demanding that I didn't think high school could get much worse. Second, was that I thought my grades from sophomore and junior year were the only ones that really mattered. Third, was that everyone I knew who had graduated in the past couple years had told me specifically that "senior year was a piece of cake.
However, it hasn't turned out quite as planned.

Playing for two soccer teams, being in a committed relationship, and also becoming a new member of the American work force, I find myself constantly with something to do. To make matters worse, everyday I'm forced to fight through the headaches from the day so that I can start my homework. But even though I stay up late or wake up early to do my homework, I still show up to school the next day to find that I forgot to do at least one assignment for one or more of my classes. The whole process just leaves me frustrated and exhausted.

Now I'm starting to realize what senior year is all about, and the best way to put it would be "with hard work comes great rewards." This is due to the fact that although the work load is borderline impossible, the benefits make it all worthwhile. For example, working gives us more spending money for weekend activities, stressing about school  will get us into a good university and makes our relaxation time more enjoyable, and getting through our school rewards us for getting us through senior year  with senior activities. Knowing that there's a light at the end of the tunnel is what keeps me from letting "senioritis" take control of my being. Moreover, its good preparation for what we're going to be facing in college where everything's going to be on us, not to mention all the tempting aspects of the college life that we're yet to face.

Overall, senior year isn't a "piece of cake" or unimportant in any way, shape, or form. Although junior year and sophomore year are more important in a college sense, senior year is our last year where everything is taken care of for us. We have to take value in every minute of this year whether it be for school, work, sports, friends, family, or ourselves. It's our last year as an adult or our first year as an adult or even both, but no matter what, don't waste your senior year.


  1. I feel you Jeremy. I'm going through the same thing with school, work, and cheer. Some days I am literally out and about until 9:30 at night. This year was said to be "easy" but it's opposite from that. I have been required to grow up so much this past summer because of all the other responsibilities I have gained. I think we will be more relieved once we send in our applications and receive letters back. Sophmore and junior year were definitely, in my opinion, full of more homework and studying related stress. And this year is more college related stress, but I feel as if all this pressure is going to benefit us in the long run.

  2. I understand how you feel! It's really tough having to balance my school, friends and family, church responsibilities, and my club positions as vice president. A lot of the times I would have to cancel certain things on the weekends or stay up late during school days to get things down. I think everyone has a case of "senioritis." Some people are just better at handling it than others. A lot of people have just become lazy by the time senior year hits and want to stop trying. Others remain to work hard because they know that slacking off will only hurt them in the end. I know for a fact when second semester hits, we'll feel relieved with the fact that college application season is over. All this hard work will pay off in the end, and good luck to all your future endeavors!

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  4. yes jeremy I totally understand, all my senior friends told me the same thing that senior year was going to be a piece of cake. well said.. Overall, senior year isn't a "piece of cake" or unimportant in any way, shape, or form.. it is actually really stressful with all these final necessities having to get done and building up on us as time passes. Sure, we might have much homework or test but other things such as SAT's, personal statements, and applications are more stressful then homework and test put together. We have so much pressure and so many things have to get done before we go off to college. However, soon we will be relieved when we get accepted to colleges and finish all the necessities that have to be done. Hang in there and like Emily said, it will all be worth it at the end and benefit us on the long run.


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