for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014

what is success ?

What is success? The definition of success I believe is very personal and will be different for everyone. I personally feel success is the reaching of a single goal: true, unquestionable happiness. Success is something accomplished over time. Over this course of time you gain knowledge and endure obstacles with patience and hardship. It is all about how hard you try in your life, even if you have failed, your struggle to strive for success is so great you will feel no remorse. For some, success may partially be the attainment of a steady paycheck that allows you to afford your life style. However, success is something that is more than just a goal in life. You may have everything but still not be happy nor satisfied. Success doesn’t always have to be big, It can be a personal achievement, it’s something you strive for and accomplish.  I believe that living a happy and successful life is the combination of three key elements: passion, support, and confidence.  You need passion to drive you, it's like your fuel. It's the reason why you want to get where you want to get. You need support because the obstacle you're facing may be bigger than yourself and you may feel like giving up during your strive .  You need someone to have your back during though times.  You need confidence because no one else will reach your goal but you. No one will do it for you, so you need the confidence to stand up and do it yourself. In the end, only you can define your efforts as successful or not, and only you can define when more effort is needed to keep going to reach that goal. Success is yours, personal and unique. No one can take it from your grasp, nor define it. 

1 comment:

  1. I define success as this: when you have finished achieving all that you wanted to achieve, you look at yourself and ask, " am I really satisfied with what I have done?Did I give it my all? Do I have inner peace and indescribable joy? If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then you have succeeded.


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