for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sleep, good grades, social life. Choose 3

If you were forced to choose two of the three out of sleep, good grades, and social life, which would you choose? Each of the three possibilities each hold certain benefits that the others don't. Sleep and good grades would allow you to focus more on your schoolwork and allow you to get into a good university, and you will probably succeed very much in life. Good grades and social life would allow you to enjoy life while also doing well in school;furthermore, college is still a very viable option if one were to choose this combination. Lastly, with sleep and social life as the main priorities, one could live a more relaxing lifestyle with the least amount of commitment or responsibility. 

However, you can't have your cake and eat it too, so to speak. Although there are many positive reasons to choose each of the three combinations, there are negative reasons as well. Social life and sleep would most likely make you very lazy and unsuccessful in a long term view. Grades and Social life would put a lot of stress on you which could be difficult to cope with. With grades and sleep you would miss out on the more enjoyable parts of high school.

Overall, I believe that good grades and social life is what I would choose due to the fact that i believe in the importance of college but also in making the most out of this year. And although that is the one I think is best, it doesn't mean that everyone has to think that too. It's a personal opinion, so there is no real answer to which is best.

Which would you choose?

1 comment:

  1. You make a very good point Jeremy. I have learned from friends that of these terrible three it is only possible to do two. I feel the best would be sleep and school since sleep allows you to relax and school brings you a brighter future. Great point and thanks for sharing !


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