for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Next Stage in Life

            For me the next stage in life is going to be college. I am excited and yet scared of this new stage of my life. There is one thing I am worried about moving on with life and that is that I am sill just a kid who doesn’t know much about the real world. When you move out and become an adult you have so much responsibility because now only you are responsible for yourself.  You can be a kid and try to blame others for your mistakes. When people grow up there are all these things they need to learn and know like: taxes, paying bills, applying for a job, financial aid if you go to college, social security number, credit score and all of these other things. If you told these things to mostly any adult they can explain these things to you. I don’t know much about doing taxes, paying bills, credit score, or any of the other things. There are all of things that I need to know when I become an adult. It just piles up and it feels like a massive obstacle that I need to overcome, but I believe that is easier than what I have made it out to be. I am frightened and excited about the future. The reason why I am scared of the future is because there are all these things I don’t know. As a senior I thought that high school was going to be easy and fun but it turned out to be stressful. This month of October has been the hardest month of school I had. There were all these things I had to do. No one ever told me how stressful applying for college would be. I have gotten so used to my high school life , but now I have to move onward to the next stage and get used to it all over again.


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Since I started driving, my dad has been making me do a lot more and pay for things that he would usually pay for and it's hard! Lol I've noticed that I don't normally want to spend on frivolous things when it's my own money and I thank him for that but it's still difficult.

    I'm right there with you about car insurance, bills, and things like that but I'm sure that you and I will eventually get a hang of it with some guidance! Also, I'm sure that it'll only get easier from here after college applications close. (I hope...)

    Good luck to you and applying for college though! I hope you get into all you apply to (:

  2. I'm also on the same page as you. I know that after high school there will be great responsibilities waiting for me and that i'm going to have to get use to doing things on my own. My parents are the type that always want to hold my hand which can be great at times but i wont be able to do it all on my own if they don't let go. Bit by bit I'm getting the hang of how things work but I still have some way to go. I wish you luck on getting use to your new stage in life!


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