for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Not Knowing....

When college applications opened I really didn't care for them at all. I honestly didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to major in. Every time someone would ask me what I want to major in all I would say was a lawyer. I knew I wanted to major in that field but I didn't know what type of lawyer nor what school I wanted to attend. I was so lost and confused. Just hearing everyone saying were they wanted to go and what they wanted to major in with full confidence brought me down, because,  I didn't even know what I wanted to do. I just simply didn't care for it as much and didn't make a big deal about it. Until, my best friend got her letter of acceptance from Stanford.  At the moment I was really proud of her, she’s an amazing brilliant girl, but I was sort of jealous. Not because she got accepted to an amazing school but rather because she had gotten the whole application process done and knew what she wanted to major in. It just made me want to figure out what I wanted for my future. So, the next day it was an eye opener for me. I got up and started to get my act together. I started to look into many schools and started focusing on my major. It was pretty hectic and hard because they’re so many types of lawyers and I was unsure of what I wanted to do. But, colleges provided background information and I was able to read about different types of lawyers till I found the one I wanted to major in.  Then the next step, that was much harder. Finding a school for my major as an undergraduate, Out of state it is much easier to find a school for but Local schools I didn't have many options. I had to look into schools and make sure it was the right school that would start my 4- years.  At this moment I knew exactly what I wanted to do but I started to question myself. I now faced the real questions. Do I see myself as a criminal justice defense attorney or not? Will I be the right fit for this job in the future? Will I even do well? I started questioning myself in every aspect until I went to UCI law school.  I saw the law school department and fell in love. I was blown away with the library, the courthouse, and even the classroom. I got a rushing feeling of excitement inside of me and I knew that I would see myself attending UCI as a graduate someday. I finally knew that I wanted to major in law. I didn't have any doubts anymore. They all left after that day. 

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