for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lazy & Stressed

Overall, I just feel stressed.  It's not even that senior year is difficult, because with the classes that I chose to take this year, it's really not.  I'm just getting lazier and lazier and the year barely began, so I'm already showing bad signs this early on.  I still have good grades, great grades actually, but everyday I have to take a nap when I get home, so I push my homework aside and always wait until the last minute to finish it.  Even if I still get good grades, I never used to be as lazy as I am now and I remember going through so much more stress and a lot more assignments when I took Chemistry and Algebra 2 sophomore year at the same time.  Compared to my sophomore year, senior year is nothing.  I think the main issue about senior year is all of the projects that we're getting in all of our other classes.  I have this government project that I was given at least two weeks ago that is due next Friday that I still haven't started on.  It's a big project.  But don't get me wrong, I still have plenty of time, but at the same time I really don't.  Also, just the simple fact that I'm too lazy to do anything and I usually get to this kind of behavior towards the end of the school year.  I guess that since I'm already thinking of graduation, the thought of it makes me want to slack off because I already know that I made it and I'll soon be done with high school.  But pushing homework aside until the last minute ruins everything because that means less hours of sleep, and I cherish my sleep a lot and since I'm not getting enough, it's a problem.  I just need to get myself together before the school year is over, because I can't stay the way I am all year long.  It's weird because when I am at school, I always tell myself "Right when I get home, I'll do my homework so I won't have to worry about it later." and as soon as I get home, I always say I'll do it in ten minutes, and that eventually begins to add up as every ten minutes passes by.  As soon as I look at the clock, I see that it's 10:30 P.M. and I'm confused and wondering where the time went and now I'm trying to finish my homework as fast as possible.  But I'm setting a goal for myself and that's to not procrastinate as much anymore because I need a lot more sleep than what I usually get.  That'll probably start when it's the second quarter.


  1. Jonathan, this year I’ve been really lazy as well. I guess since it’s our last year were just mentally checking out early. We all know that it’s our last year of high school and all we want to do is get it over with, fast and easy. We want to have fun senior year since it’s our last year, but work is just piling up. I also get assignments assigned in advance but always wait last minute to get them done. Maybe we are procrastinating or maybe we just don’t have the motivation to get things done. All I want to do when I get home is sleep all day. Good luck with the year, hope it goes well!(:

  2. Me too jon, I'm mentally exhausted already and it's just the beginning of the year! There's just sooo much homework to do and to catch up on. As well as responsibilities we are starting to gain. We all just want to have fun and enjoy our last year but it's hard with so much responsibility that we now carry. we must balance our fun and academics to have a smoother year. Best of luck jon!!

  3. Everything you described is most like 95% of the senior class. Lol I feel like since I'm a senior that things should be easy and I'm only stressed because I'm lazy and I don't take advantage of all the time that I actually have. I still have the habit of always just wait till the last possible minute to finish things which is horrible and a bad habit to have especially since I'm on the verge of entering college, but I'm sure you'll be fine with grades and things like that. Good luck to you!


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