for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Friday, October 31, 2014

Gap year

I feel gap years can be very much necessary, so I definitely don't disagree with them, but I do believe that it is very hard to stop going to school and then suddenly want to go back. But of course if you really want something, then you'll do whatever that it takes to get it, in this case, a college degree. A gap year is something is a time period that initially lasts for about a year, or maybe even longer, where students study what they want to be in the future so they know how everything works or they procrastinate and do whatever they want. Personally for me, I wouldn't be able to take a gap year because I wouldn't be motivated to go back to school. But if I skip taking a gap year and just go straight to school after high school I'd be used to it so it wouldn't make much of a difference. In Europe, after high school most students do gap years, choose what they're interested in, and try their career out before they go to college so that they're certain of what they want to do, then they go back to college and study that profession. By the sounds of it, it seems smarter taking a gap year so you can know for sure what you want to do in life and then study it so you can get the actual job for sure, but in reality, at least for me, it wouldn't work taking a gap year. I would just lag on studying the profession that interests me and then I still wouldn't know what to do with my life afterwards. People say that you save a lot of money, time, and stress when you do a gap year because of the whole "finding yourself" part of the gap year. It's weird that people that take gap years are mostly the students that have high SAT scores and a high GPA, which is interesting because how can you take a break from something and just go back to doing it like nothing and expect to do good like how you did the whole year before? It's just weird to me, but very interesting that some people have the ability to do so. 

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