for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Are Gender roles Important to you?

I believe gender roles are not important to society as once thought. Just because your gender, doesn't mean that you should have someone else making your decisions for you, without your say. Just because you’re a women, your expected to stay home and sacrifice in the long run what is your health and happiness. While since men are the "money makers" and they are supposed to be the head of the household no matter what. It's like gender segregation. It's a old ideal that I believe is flat out wrong. Today, our roles in society are more lenient than that of the past. Women are defined by who they are, not by who they are suppose to be. Roles are determined by hard work and perseverance. Any gender can accomplish whatever they want to if they set their minds to it. Today, women are capable of doing jobs that only men were thought to be able to do. Jobs that include science exploration, engineering, and business. Women are even joining the army! In a world where the man has always been superior, women are speaking out. They are saying, "No." For once, women are supporting themselves and reaching their dreams. Today, everyone can have the best of both roles and still be themselves. Gender roles in society can limit people. In other societies, women are unable to follow their dreams because of gender roles. They need to stay home, cooking and cleaning, and can't receive an education. Men are the ones who are supposed to work and get an education to support the family. Our society is much better at recognizing women and men as being equal. Women don't need to marry and take care of a house, and men don't need to support women. Men and women are able to go to college and get an education. People are not judged by their gender. They can be known for who they are.

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