for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Society has full control .

Our unit is based off of Language , culture , and gender. I never really focused on how society actually regulates each and ever human being. If you take a moment and start to think about start to realize that we are all actually the “same” .  Same in a way were we have set up our mind to follow these certain expectations. If we don't follow these expectations we are just simply different and odd. Society judges you and looks down upon you if you do something different . We aren’t as different as we think. Maybe , that is why its so easy to make friends at school because we are all the same . we try to fit in and not stand out. Society has set rules and expectations that we try to meet. 
In my own option i hate standing out. I wont be that kid that try to make a difference and puts themselves out there. I actually let others control me. If a friend points out something that I'm doing is “wrong” or even out of the “ordinary”. I start to question myself . I start to think and judge myself. Eventually i fall in the trap that society has put. I give in and stop doing what I'm doing to please “them”. 

The judging is everywhere. Shaming occurs every minute of the day. You expect it to be controlled but people love to put their opinions out there and let you know that you don't fit in or that being different is bad. I wonder how it would be if there wasn't a “right” way to act or even be. What if for once we were all free to act and be how we please. Not having to worry about what others think.


  1. No matter how much you try and impress people you never will. Society is never happy and will always find something wrong to judge a person. Therefore, people should be themselves because no one is perfect in any way and no one can beat societies criticism. Society expects too much of us and we shouldn't care because the only critic we should have is ourselves. Be better for yourself, do things for yourself and no one else.

  2. I guess it's all a part of human nature that we naturally criticize other people, whether we mean it offensively or not. The positive that comes out of caring what other people think about you is that you can use their criticism constructively. You can use it in order to grow as a person or you can choose to ignore it and go about your business. The only harm in shaming is if that person is purposely criticizing you in order to put you down. But you know what they say, those who try to drag you down are always going to be below you.


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