for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Middle Man"

After watching the video , I felt horrible consuming any meats after seeing how the cows and chicken were being treated. I know like everyone else, we said we were going to stop eating all animal make but, then a few minutes later we all went back to our ways eating whatever we want and not thinking about where our meal came from. We all forget about how our meal got to us. We don’t think about the process of it until we see a movie reminding us about what we are actually consuming. It opens our eyes and we start to wonder about the whole process. 
  1. Nurturing the animal: They feed the cows the cheapest food in order to save money . We’ve been taught since we were little that cows eat grass. Yet, they are feed corn because it is affordable and makes them fat.
  2. Pesticides and Chemicals: In factors they check for any chemicals or pesticides that will be harmful for us to consume.
  3. The killing: Framers sell their cow and chicken and they are shipped of to factors to be killed and are put through torture.
  4. Pack/Travel: Our food is packed and shipped off to travel throughout the world in order to get to its destination “markets” the traveling can take days and hours until it arrives. The food takes a whole journey before being but up for sell.
  5. Purchase: We go to the store and buy our meal. But we don't think of how long the food has been their. From the beginning till our home. It took many days to get to were its at and has been exposed.  We don't realize it but our food is just being taken for a joy ride . We only see it as our meal. Delicious looking food.

If we started going to farmers market we would be able to cut the middle man of the whole process. We would actually learn more about our food and what we are actually consuming. The food that is being sold at the farmers market is picked daily . 

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