for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gender Roles

As a girl who was raised in a very traditional way, I believe that each gender has a specific role, and I completely disagree with the saying that the roles should be equal. From the beginning of time, these gender roles have set solid regulations of how society should be. Am I saying that women are just for having kids and men only good for providing for the household? Of course not. What I am saying is that we should not be too quick to dismiss that these roles were set for a reason. I am a firm believer that everyone should have equal educational opportunity. Everyone, whether man or female should be able to work and do something that they love. The concept of woman staying home to take care of the house and children springs up from the fact that women in general are more patient and just have a different way of doing things. They naturally blessed with motherly and womanly instincts. That is why most teachers and nurses tend to women. We only seem to be focusing on the gender roles here in America and neglecting the fact that cultures around the world view gender roles differently. For example, if you tell an African man to stay home and take care of the children and cook, you would be looking for his trouble. I am not saying that African men can’t cook or take care of kids, in fact, some African men I know cook better than the women, but they grew up with the belief that they must be the man of the house and provide for the every need of his family financially. We should at least try to keep a little of these regulations that have been kept since the beginning of time. There was a reason each stereotype was assigned to each gender. Evidence are even in the Bible for what each gender is here for and their roles.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you grace. People should not have to believe that everything in life is set ahead for them. Each individuals role should be of their choosing depending of there situation. I necessarily don't see why gender roles are bad and I do indeed support them but I don't expect others to and if they don't it doesn't bother me much either.


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