for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 30, 2015

food inc.

In class we watched Food inc. It really made me realize the foods we eat and how they effect our lives. Typically when you eat well you feel well. What's sad is what the animals we kill in order to get the food we need. I mean obviously this has been going on for forever going way back. People used to kill buffalo to make clothes out of it and get food and other things they need. Does the life the animal lived before we killed it effect us? Now-a-days the workers inject the chickens and make them bigger theirselves. I think we should care what is in our food and the producers should tell us also. Referring back to Food inc. a little boy named Kevin died from ecoli and that's really a bummer. After that someone lost their child and they start blaming everyone. The restaurant should have been more aware and the meat distributor also. Everyone is really at fault here. Kevin could have ate something else that day. My grandparents way of eating is way different than mine and its sad. My grandparents don't eat all that fast food all the time like I do. They tend to eat more home cooked meals. I think if everyone just ate a little bit healthier and became aware of what they were eating things would get a little better.

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