for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Who is stronger, a man or a woman?

A question that was presented to me recently was ‘what is true strength?’ The first thing that automatically comes to mind is physical strength but is that what really what ‘true’ strength is? If you were asked the question, ‘who is stronger, a man or a woman?’ some might answer man because he is physically stronger which in most cases is true. However, if you see it from a different point of view there may be no answer. A person could be knocked down over and over again but as long as they have a motivation to get back up it won’t matter how many times they take another blow. So in other words, you don’t need to be physically strong but as long as you have the will power to get back up you’ll always have the chance to come out victorious. So wouldn’t that mean that your will power would be your true strength? When you give up on everything it doesn’t matter how physically strong you are, you’ll still come crumbling down so physical strength shouldn’t matter when determining someone’s true strength; therefore, men won’t be the only ones who can be strong but women as well. Another way you can see true strength is kindness. It’s so easy to just give someone the cold shoulder and such an effort to put up with the people who will never show you a sign of gratitude. It takes a lot out of a person to be kind especially when they themselves are going through hardships, not everyone can do that so I see it as true strength. 

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