for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 2, 2015

Double Standards

Double standards: The worst thing you can do to your children of different genders.

My older brother is 3 years older than me and has the more freedom than I will ever get until I move out of our house. As I got older and into my teenage years, I noticed that my brother wouldn't get a curfew and my curfew would be very early. Now, I get it.. I'm only 17 and he's 20, but does that mean that I should get an earlier curfew just because I'm a girl and I'm younger? Why are these standards of being less able to be take care of themselves set on girls just because they're girls?

Personally, I believe that double standards are just another term that women are supposed to fit into. The image of being perfect is extremely unrealistic and impossible to achieve. How can one woman or man fit into this mold that society has built with their image of "perfect"?


  1. I agree with this! Like why is the world like that? I'm the only child, but I still think why is it okay for a boy to do something but as a girl if I did it my parents would be mad. They usually say girls are more smarter than boys and are more responsible but they don't really treat us that way. Luckily we are graduating high school and will be able to do anything we want right?

  2. Yes! I don't understand why we have double standards, I think that if you can trust your child to be safe and make wise choices there should be no excuse to why the girl should be home way earlier or can't go out. If it was a school night or a big assignment came up that the child must do than I understand not letting either son or daughter out, but if you are just keeping your daughter in or strict and early curfew because you don't think she is capable of standing up for herself than teacher what to do if something happens, not just never let her experience life

  3. I have a younger brother, and sometimes I notice the double-standards that my parents hold for us. If ever my brother wanted to go out on a run, he would be allowed to, but if I chose to go out for a run, I would get told "no" because it's dangerous to be out by myself, although I am older and would know better what to do in situations. I also have a different curfew compared to my brother's. He's allowed to be out all night and spend the night at his friend's house, but my parents haven't let me slept over a friend's house since elementary school. My brother and I are both teenagers, so we should both know better. But is it because I'm a girl that my parents are less trusting and unsure?

    1. I totally get where your're coming from... My dad questions me going out until 10 on the weekends because he's scared something might happen with my A-student friends. He always says that he trusts me and that he thinks I'm responsible, yet he does;t let me stay out no later than 11.


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