for Musings & Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Why does having something different between your legs have to define your life. ever since man cease to existed woman have been repeatedly shunned by men . Not defining that men today are like that but, back then is what started it all. Started all the gender separation, gender roles are the socially expected way of being for an average man and woman. Their was no speaking your mind if you were other than white or female back then. Thankfully, since times have changed I am almost positive it is still like this today to the point of having the women clean the house, cook, feed, and take care of children " women's work" and "men's work", having to go to work to bring food and money to the table. While finally coming home to cooked food taking a shower and going to bed, not helping his wife with anything. This is mostly played out by older couples today. For example a very traditional Mexican household is like this today. Usually, the man is taking care of work, truck driving or mechanical work while the wife at the same time is taking care of the children plus cleaning, making food for everyone, basic stuff that everyone should know how to do not only women. It has been this way for years because of the same gender teaching the younger generation how a girl acts and a boy acts. Usually, theses roles are being careful or proper for a girl and rambunctious or strongly courageous for a boy. In my life time I have always been the 'tom girl' in my family, my mother loved me for it because she never got the chance to be that way during her childhood. On the other hand my grandmother did not like the way I was acting. She would argue to my mother about letting me out to play with my neighbors, which were boys. Instead of being inside playing with dollies. I couldn't bear playing with dolls , I wanted to go outside running around until I fell and hurt my knee. Little by little I know the world of gender roles are changing because our generation and new generations are wanting to be opened minded about everything and everyone's personality.  In 10 to 20 years I can see woman finally being paid financially  the same as men, being free from judgment about their appearance. The same goes to men being socially acceptable to let out emotions, being open to themselves and others around them. As of today, women are still fighting for our equal rights and old men are lowering their heads around feministic topics.

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